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Facility Calendar + Group Booking

Public Use of the Track


  • As long as there is no special event or Nanaimo Track & Field Club practice in session, casual use of the track by the public is encouraged! 

  • If groups of 4 or more visit regularly , a coach is present, or equipment is being used that indicates you are having a practice, you are asked to book your time on the track, sign a rental agreement and pay a rental fee (see below).

  • Please see TRACK ETIQUETTE guidelines below.

Track Availability + NTFC Practice Schedule

Click on date to view times that track access is limited.

THE TRACK IS CLOSED TO THE PUBLIC during NTFC practice times on calendar.

Renting the Track for your Group Practices

The Rotary Bowl is on City of Nanaimo property and the Nanaimo Track + Field Club is contracted by the city to manage this facility and collect fees from groups using the track.


A “group” refers to an organized visit of 4 or more persons who:

  • attend on a regular basis; and/or

  • have a coach or instructor present; and/or

  • use equipment that indicates you are having a practice


Nanaimo Track and Field Club and the City of Nanaimo does not supply the user/renter with any liability or personal injury insurance. It is highly recommended that the Permit holder carry his or her own insurance policy and have signed waivers or consent forms for their participants.

To Book

Contact to inquire about rates for your group booking.

Track Etiquette

  • Nanaimo Track & Field Club athletes have priority use of the oval and sprint straight during reserved club practice times as per calendar above. 

  • ·Walkers, strollers, wheelchairs are asked to use outside lanes at ALL times.​

  • CHILDREN must be supervised at all times.​

  • SKATEBOARDS, ROLLER BLADES and BICYCLES of any kind are not permitted. This is for everyone’s safety and to protect the track surface from damage or excess wear.​

  • DOGS are not permitted in the facility.​

  • The standard direction around the track is counter clockwise. If you choose to run or walk clockwise, please do so in Lane 8 and yield to others.​

  • If you hear someone yell “track", a runner is coming up fast behind you and would like you to step quickly to the outside so they can pass.​

  • Always look before changing lanes or crossing the track to avoid collisions.​


       The Nanaimo Track and Field Club appreciates your cooperation!

Nanaimo Track and Field Club

Rotary Bowl Stadium, NTFC Athletic Facility, 385 Wakesiah Ave Nanaimo, BC, Canada V9R 3K5


©2023 by Nanaimo Track and Field Club. 

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